10 events found.
Dec 9th 2PM Army vs Navy Game 2PM Watch Party
Join us for our watch party for the Army vs. Navy game that starts at 2PM on December 9th. We’ll have hotdogs, teriyaki meatballs, chips & salsa. (For members and their guests.)
American Legion Riders Monthly Meeting @ 7PM
American Legion Riders Monthly Meeting @ 7PM
Legion Christmas Party
Legion Christmas Party
Sons of the American Legion Monthly Meeting at 6:30PM
Sons of the American Legion Monthly Meeting at 6:30PM
Merry Christmas
Honor Guard / Color Guard Training
Honor Guard / Color Guard Training 4th Wednesday of each month from 7:00pm - 7:30pm.
New Year’s Eve
New Year's Eve
New Year’s Day
Happy New Year!
Blood Drive
Blood Drive 10am to 2pm.