10 events found.
Memorial Day Honor Guard Ceremonies, Gardner Cemetery, 8AM, immediately following at St. Columbia Cemetery
Memorial Day Honor Guard Ceremonies, Gardner Cemetery, 8AM, immediately following at St. Columbia Cemetery
Memorial Day Flag and Cross Retrieval @ 5PM at Gardner Cemetery
Memorial Day Flag and Cross Retrieval, 5PM, Gardner Cemetery
American Legion Monthly Meeting @ 7PM
American Legion Monthly Meeting @ 7PM
J-Board Meeting @ 7pm
J-Board Meeting @ 7pm
Karaoke Night
Karaoke Night June 9th 7:30pm to 11:30pm
Birthday of the U.S. Army (1775)
Army Birthday. June 14, 1775
Flag Day
Flag Day
American Legion Riders Monthly Meeting @ 7PM
American Legion Riders Monthly Meeting @ 7PM
Auxiliary Monthly Meeting @ 7PM
Auxiliary Monthly Meeting @ 7PM
Edgerton Frontier Days
Edgerton Frontier Days